
Fold the short sleeved shirt in ten seconds

man 's life is like a dream
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Operation method

Lay the short sleeves flat on the bed or table and lay them flat, as shown in the figure.

Visually determine the horizontal and vertical centerline and folding point of the short sleeve, and the approximate position is as shown in the figure.

Hold point B in the middle of the clothes with your left hand and keep still; Hold point A on the shoulder of the garment with your right hand, as shown in the figure.

Hold point A with the right hand in the direction of point C at the bottom of the garment, and hold the overlapping AC points, as shown in the figure.

Hold both ends with both hands, lift the short sleeve and shake it gently, then put it back to the original place, and fold the other half of the clothes shoulder to shoulder, as shown in the figure.

After folding, return to the front of the clothes; It only takes ten seconds to quickly fold it after mastering the movements.

man 's life is like a dream 2024-05-11 07:36:48
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