
How to escape the 12th stage of the 13 secret missions through the secret room

One branch stands out
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Operation method

Get the key model and match at the bedside, a piece of password paper and knife at the toilet, and take down the mirror at the mirror.

Use a knife to remove the metal block at the head of the bed, use the metal block to adjust the door lock according to the key model, and open the door out of the room.

Pick up the stick on the ground, light it with a match, and then burn the rope to lift the goods down.

Pick up the lighter in the cargo, use the lighter to melt the ice on the thermometer surface, adjust the temperature as shown in the figure, and then go to the other side of the water.

Place the mirror in the middle of the infrared ray to reflect the light to the password prompt. Add the numbers corresponding to the password prompt paper to get the password of 8556. Open the door and escape.

One branch stands out 2024-04-16 21:30:05
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Q: Which brand is good for bamboo flute

Answer: The flute is one of the commonly used horizontal woodwind instruments in Chinese traditional music, namely the Chinese bamboo flute, which is generally divided into the southern qudi and the northern bangdi. The flute is often used in Chinese folk music, opera, Chinese National Orchestra, Western Symphony Orchestra and modern music. It is one of the representative instruments of Chinese music. Most flutes are made of bamboo, but there are also stone flutes and jade flutes. However, the best material for making flutes is still bamboo, because this material has the best sound effect. Dunhuang flute is one of the largest and most complete national musical instrument manufacturers in China. It is a famous trademark in Shanghai, one of the top ten flute brands in China, and produced by Shanghai No. 1 National Musical Instrument Factory.

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