
Production and application of ps action

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The production and application of ps action are simple and convenient

Operation method

Open ps software

Open a picture to be processed

Click Window Action Shortcut - Alt+F9

Click - Create a new action - Enter a name for easy differentiation - Click record

Then you can operate. The operation in the next period is that your actions have started to be recorded

Do a simple action -- type a word test--

After the operation is completed, click -- pause the action -- the action is completed -- let's start to use this action in other pictures to see the effect

Method/Step 2

Open the picture to be processed

Find the action we just made -- click to play the action

Effect picture -- the same as the one made last time -- application completed

The action is to repeat the operation in another picture - not complicated - if you want to be simple, you will understand the feeling of changing soup without changing dressing

hot tip

The action name is easy to distinguish

Remember to complete the action and pause, otherwise the action will be recorded continuously.

Across the world 2024-05-19 02:14:45
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