
How to open personal hotspots on mobile phones

losers are always in the wrong
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With the accelerated pace of life, the use of the Internet is becoming more and more convenient and fast. However, the use of the Internet requires the use of traffic, which requires the opening of broadband account connections or the opening of mobile data GPRS and other traffic to access the Internet. Without the above premise, the Internet will be useless for us;
Today, we share the network on the basis of using personal GPRS data package of mobile phones to establish portable personal hotspots, where WLAN hotspots go, so as to establish personal WLAN connection hotspots for other mobile devices to access the Internet;

Operation method

Open the phone and find the place corresponding to the setting of "Personal Hotspot" in the settings, as shown in the figure below.

Set the name of WLAN hotspot network, and set the corresponding connection password for security; As shown in the figure;

If you do not want to set a password, you can select "None" in security, that is, you can log in and access the network without a password; It is recommended to set the password;

Click OK after setting in step 2, return to the portable WLAN hotspot and turn on the switch; As shown in the figure.

After completing the above WLAN hotspot, the establishment is completed. At this time, you need to go online to open the mobile data connection; As shown in the figure.

At this time, other mobile Internet devices (computers) around you can search the corresponding hot network; As shown in the figure.

Then the connected mobile device can access the Internet; As shown in the figure.

The mobile phone sharing the hotspot will receive the connection information; As shown in the figure.

Click in to see the information of the corresponding mobile device, view the connected device and manage the blacklist; As shown in the figure.

hot tip

When opening a personal WLAN hotspot, a large amount of traffic is required, and data GPRS traffic must be kept open; Otherwise, it will charge expensive mobile traffic charges and huge money loss; If there is open traffic, it is also necessary to ensure that there is sufficient traffic, so as to avoid deducting the cost of excess traffic;

This experience is from practical operation. If it is helpful, please like it or vote. Thank you!

losers are always in the wrong 2024-05-19 01:40:40
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