
How to do if your eyes always cry?

The breeze is blowing
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Operation method

Pay attention to rest and don't use your eyes excessively. When you go out, you can also wear sunglasses to prevent direct sunlight.

Pay attention to your diet, and add more foods rich in vitamin A and C. Generally, vegetables and fruits contain very rich vitamins, and eat less spicy and greasy foods.

If it is the symptom of tears caused by a cold, we should start with this aspect of the cold. In addition to proper attention in food therapy, we should also go to the hospital to diagnose and prescribe the right medicine.

If it is dacryocystitis caused by trauma, trachoma or conjunctivitis, you can use levofloxacin eye drops, or consult a doctor and use the drug under the guidance of a doctor.

The breeze is blowing 2024-04-18 22:17:54
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