
What is the meaning of the Beginning of Autumn Term

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The Beginning of Autumn is one of the 24 solar terms, usually appearing on August 7 or 8 of the Gregorian calendar. It is the last solar term in summer and the beginning of autumn. The meaning of the Beginning of Autumn Term mainly includes the following aspects:

1. The weather is getting cooler: with the arrival of the beginning of the autumn solar term, the hot weather in summer gradually weakens, the temperature begins to drop, and the weather is getting cooler, so people can feel the breath of autumn.

2. Crops are ripe and harvested: The Beginning of Autumn Solar Term is an important solar term in the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar, and it is also a solar term that farmers pay great attention to. At this time, some summer crops, such as watermelon and corn, have matured and can be harvested, which is also the planting season of autumn crops.

3. Animals enter the storage period: With the temperature dropping, animals begin to enter the storage period to prepare for the coming cold season. Some birds began to migrate, and some animals began to store food for the coming winter.

4. People begin to enter autumn life: The beginning of autumn solar term marks the end of summer, and people begin to enter autumn life. At this time, people can enjoy the beautiful scenery of autumn, such as red leaves, golden paddy fields, etc., and also start some activities suitable for autumn, such as mountaineering, camping, photography, etc.

In a word, the Beginning of Autumn is a very important solar term, which marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, and is also an important harvest season for farmers. People can feel the breath of autumn and enjoy the beauty and life of autumn through this solar term.

Plain and light 2024-04-15 22:46:34
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