
Solution to Windows System Disk Access Denial

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A close friend asked the question: disk access is denied (is there any solution?)
The disk access denial of the computer is mainly the problem of user permissions. We can modify the user permissions to solve the disk access denial problem.

Operation method

For example, when we open disk G, an error message pops up: Unable to access G: Access denied;

Solution steps for disk access denial of Windows system: Right click the disk G: , and left click Properties in the right-click menu;

In the disk G: attribute window that opens, click Security. Under the Security tab, click Advanced to open the advanced security settings for disk G: ;

In the Advanced Security Settings window of disk G: , click Continue;

After clicking Continue, we can see in the open window that the type of the first item under the permission entry is Reject. Left click the rejected item, and then click Edit (E) to open the permission item window of disk G: ;

In the permission item window of disk G: , the type of permission item is Deny. We click the following tick and select Allow from the drop-down menu;

In the Basic Permission column, we check all the items that can be checked (especially those under full control), and then click OK;

Back in the Advanced Security Settings window of disk G: , you can see that the type of the first item under the permission entry, which was originally rejected, has been changed to: Allow, click: Apply - OK;

Return to the Disk G: Properties window and click OK;

Now we click Disk G: , and no error message box about access denial appears;

Disk G: can be opened successfully.

The above is the solution to the denial of access to Windows system disks for your reference and use.

Happy life 2024-05-20 15:38:26
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