
How do single parent families educate their children?

The Old Man and the Sea
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How do single parent families educate their children?

Operation method

Children in single parent families are prone to psychological imbalance due to the lack of parental love or fatherly love, resulting in depression, impetuous mood, indifference to others, etc., so the guardians should adopt a moderate family education method of leniency and strictness. In educating children, we should not only pay attention to cultivating children's independence and ignore warmth education.

Communicate with children more to understand their inner feelings and thoughts. No matter how busy you are every day, you should take time to accompany your children, even if it is only an hour. Encourage your child to tell you about her study and life that day, so that she can know that her mother loves her and cares about her very much. At the same time, you can also tell your children about your work, so that they will know how hard you work, how difficult it is to take care of your family and work, and gradually learn how to care about others.

In this regard, in the popular TV play My First Half of My Life a few days ago, the heroine Luo Zijun was quite skillful in her words and deeds towards her children after divorce. You can watch it if you have time.

Communicate with parents and treat children in an appropriate way. You mentioned that you are usually busy with work, so is it your parents, that is, the children's grandparents, who take care of the children?

If so, grandparents can also be regarded as the second educators of children, and their words and deeds towards children are very important.

It has to be said that comparing children with other children and labeling children (saying that children are stupid) are taboos in educating children when dealing with children with a sound family. What's more, Sile is a special situation. She lives in a single parent family, so she will be more sensitive to these words of her grandparents. In this way, she is disobedient and naughty, It also needs to be understood. Although it is very hard for your parents to help you take care of your children, it is suggested that you should communicate with your parents more to give your children proper warmth education in order for their children to have a sound mentality.

The Old Man and the Sea 2024-05-15 14:12:35
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