
Girls' Shoulder Throwing Skills

Laugh over the past
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Operation method

Grasp the "grab" and "strap". When you fall over the shoulder, you should first grab the other person's wrist and catch the other person's upper arm

Bow your waist to form a fulcrum, and use your strength to bring the opponent down

Bend your knee slightly inward or kneel on one knee when you fall over your shoulder to ensure that you will not be dragged down by the other when you fall down

Lower your head When you throw the other person over the shoulder, you should also pay attention to lowering your head to ensure that when you throw the other person over, you will not hit your head

Laugh over the past 2024-05-11 10:49:06
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Q: Can green tea water be applied to face to remove acne

A: Green tea water can be used to apply to face to remove acne, and green tea water can be used to make a mask. Green tea contains tea polyphenols, which have antioxidant effects and can prevent skin aging. Tea can also resist radiation, especially for women who use computers for a long time. It can inhibit skin pigmentation and reduce the occurrence of allergic reactions. In addition, the tannin effect of tea can alleviate dry skin, which is also very suitable for children suffering from eczema. Among tea leaves, green tea is the most abundant in tea polyphenols. Therefore, green tea can be used to make facial mask.

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