
Sketch Gypsum Geometric Shape Drawing (7) - Steps of Octagonal Prism

Cloud Sailing Sea
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Gypsum prism is composed of side and upper and lower sections. The side of the prism consists of eight rectangles. The upper and lower sections are the basic shape of regular octagon, and the overall proportion is 1:2 (referring to the ratio of width to height).

structure drawing

Draw large shapes with straight lines. When drawing large shapes, draw several lines in one. The color of the lines should be light and easy to modify.

This step requires the painter to use the thickness, depth and other changes of the line to show the volume of the gypsum prism, and strengthen the performance of the structure and perspective of the prism.


When drawing large, this step is basically consistent with the drawing method of structural sketch. When drawing, the lines should be flexible and the weight of the lines should change significantly.

The laying of large light and dark color blocks is good enough to distinguish the light and dark of prisms. Each long edge is basically a color block, so it is relatively simple to draw.

Delicate depiction. When drawing this step, pay attention to the use of cross lines, and the color of the color block gradually becomes lighter from the place close to the light source.

Determine the composition and simply draw the shape of geometry and lining folds. Pay attention to the position relationship between objects and the structural characteristics of individual objects. The lining shall be arranged in a dense and appropriate manner. It is not necessary to take pictures of all the folds you see.


structure drawing


hot tip

Adjustment is a very important step in the whole painting process. In the depiction of the previous parts, it is inevitable that there will be places that are not in harmony with the whole tone, or that the depiction is insufficient or too much, or even that the shape of some parts is not accurate enough, which will affect the overall effect.

In the adjustment process, it is necessary to modify these to make them accurate in shape, unified and harmonious in tone. As the initial auxiliary line, they should also be incorporated into the shape at this time.

The lines representing the light and dark intersection lines should be integrated into the surface to which they belong, and the redundant auxiliary lines should be erased.

Cloud Sailing Sea 2024-05-15 16:21:14
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