
About the top ten brands of customized wardrobe

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Recently in the renovation, I went to the market to learn about the customized wardrobe. I found that there are many brands, big and small, and it is too confusing to spend too much time. I don't know how to choose. I consulted friends who understand the market and went online to learn about the experience. 1. So far, there is no authoritative statement about the brand ranking of customized wardrobe that the industry agrees with. When you search the Internet, you will find the top ten brands of various opinions, which makes you feel at a loss. You don't know whether they are true or false. As far as I know, none of them is the "top ten brands" officially surveyed and evaluated. The so-called top ten brands on the Internet are mostly deceptive works of some paid websites. If we want to evaluate the brand value, the most valuable brand certification in China is: "China's Famous Brand Products" issued by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and "China's Famous Trademark" issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, which are not available at will, but can only be obtained with certain strength and ability. At present, no one in the wardrobe industry seems to be able to obtain these two certifications at the same time. 2. About custom wardrobe Custom wardrobe started in China at the beginning of this century, and most brands have a history of more than ten years. Compared with traditional woodworking and finished wardrobe, custom wardrobe has obvious advantages. At the same time, due to the low level of technology, there are also many fake brands. Many so-called brand factories are just a warehouse (no more than 100 square meters). The production equipment used is different, and the level of research and development is different, resulting in uneven product quality in the market. If you want to choose a customized wardrobe, you must choose one with mature technology and good service quality. Otherwise, this or that problem will occur less than a year or two after you buy it. At that time, it really took time, effort and money. Finally, don't listen to the top ten brands. Personally, I think the wardrobe manufacturers in Guangzhou and surrounding areas are the most mature ones for the overall wardrobe. The following are customized wardrobe manufacturers with more than 10 years of brand history (for reference only):

uncle 2024-05-14 11:08:32
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