
How to identify jadeite

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Operation method

Check whether there are defects: generally, check whether there are cracks, spots, black spots, etc. These defects will affect the quality of jadeite. Generally, the price of cracked jadeite is much lower than that of the same kind of non cracked jadeite. You can carefully check the surface of the jade under light or use a magnifying glass.

Look at its color in the sun: good jadeite is pure in color, free from other mixed colors, bright in color, and evenly distributed in color. However, there are a lot of jadeite with artificial coloring on the market now, which can be put into the melted wax solution. If it is artificial coloring, the pigment will slowly separate out. But with the increasingly advanced coloring technology, this method may not be reliable.

Knock the jadeite to hear its sound: the internal structure of natural jadeite is dense, without bubbles, and it will make a crisp sound when knocking. The sound of artificial jadeite will have a dull feeling.

Feeling the weight of the jadeite: because the internal structure of the jadeite is dense, it feels heavy in the hand. It is not as light as glass imitations

Judging by the processing level: as the saying goes, "jade without polish can't be made into a piece", the processing level has a great impact on the price. Generally, the processing level is seen from whether the surface is smooth, polished, shaped and artistic.

Feel its texture: touch the surface of jadeite with your hand. The real jadeite will feel cool and smooth.

Check the certificate: general high-grade jadeite jade has a special appraisal certificate, which can be obtained from the merchant when purchasing. The certificate is attached with photos, so you can check whether the purchased jadeite jade is consistent with the certificate.

Use water to identify jadeite: drop a drop of water on the jadeite to see if it slips. If it is real jadeite, the water drop will become dew and will not disperse for a long time.

Smile and say goodbye 2024-05-07 05:36:54
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