
Use color aesthetics to tell you what color lipstick looks white

Persistence is the key
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Babies who are fashion experts must know that color matching can not only make you into the red list, but also make you fall into the black list! Today, let's take a look at the lip color as the finishing touch. With so many colors, how should we choose? As the saying goes, a white cover a hundred ugly, which goddess is not white! Well, then, what color lipstick looks white? How can you hold the whole court?

Operation method

What color lipstick looks white? Amway's first wave~~~Lancome lip oil - Juicy Shaker air cushion lip oil I have to say, Lancome's air cushion lip oil is very unique! It looks like a cocktail mixing cup. Once you see how cute it is, it's good for you! Of course, its color number is also very rich. When it comes to the color of lipstick that makes the skin white, the first thing I think of is Fan Ye's favorite A-Bao orange. I decisively start with 102 Spring Apricot Vigorous Orange. The whiter the white paper becomes, the whiter I am. I am very satisfied with it. Don't worry about the yellow paper. It can be white, yellow and black! And it is especially moisturizing, and the dry mouth can be safely coated. It's interesting to shake it before use. When it's not shaken, the oil and color are separated. The longer you shake it, the better you color it. It's like mixing a cocktail. It's very funny.

What color lipstick looks white? Amway's second wave~~~Dior liquid lipstick Dior I also have 754 liquid lipstick. What color lipstick looks white? It must be red! This liquid lipstick of Dior is not so red for the first time. It is not the exact red I want, but rather a bit pink. But I am white, and still very white! However, be careful with yellow paper, it will make your skin dark! This liquid lipstick is the same as Lancome's. It is very moist and does not fade easily! It is also suitable for lip biting makeup. I don't know if it will turn red if I apply more layers! You can try!

In a word, every time my girlfriend asks me what color lipstick I use to make my skin white, my most recommended color is orange, which is applicable to all three skin tones. Among these brands, my favorite is Lancome's lip oil, which is fun and beautiful! Dior's is also very useful, but I have to think about using it to melt lip biting! Don't worry about white paper! what about you? What color lipstick makes your skin white?

Persistence is the key 2024-05-18 03:02:26
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