
Cashmere sweater bleached by bleaching water

Forever young
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If the cashmere sweater is bleached yellow by bleaching water, you can try the following methods to remedy it:

1. Acid bleach: add some white vinegar or lemon juice into water, soak cashmere sweater in it for about 30 minutes, and then rinse it with water.

2. Oxidizing bleaching agent: add some hydrogen peroxide or bleaching powder into water, soak cashmere sweater in it for about 30 minutes, and then rinse it with clean water. Note that bleach should be used according to the proportion in the instruction manual and should not be mixed with other chemicals.

3. Dyeing: If the above methods are invalid, cashmere sweater can be dyed again. Select dyes similar to the original color, dye according to the instructions, and then rinse with water. Attention shall be paid to the control of dye concentration and time during dyeing to avoid uneven dyeing or over dyeing.

In a word, in case of cashmere sweater being bleached yellow by bleaching water, first of all, calm down and do not try any methods at will to avoid damaging the clothes. Try some mild methods first, and then consider more effective methods if they are ineffective. At the same time, pay attention to the maintenance of cashmere sweaters at ordinary times to avoid contact with strong acid-base substances such as bleach to avoid damage.

Forever young 2024-04-18 03:02:13
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