
Have you ever seen the egg milk steak made like this

Flowers smell sweet
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Have you ever seen the egg milk steak made like this

Operation method

Oil knead all materials to expansion stage

Fermented to twice the size in a warm place

Divide the egg milk roll into 32g pieces, exhaust, divide, roll and relax for 15 minutes

Take a dough from the row bag, roll it into an oval shape, turn it over, shape it into an olive shape from top to bottom, and then slowly twist the olive shape into long strips

Put the dough into the baking tray, leave 2-3cm space on both sides of the dough and baking tray for secondary fermentation

Second fermentation to twice the size, brush with egg liquid, put into the preheated 180 degree oven, middle layer, 20 minutes

Flowers smell sweet 2024-05-16 18:57:54
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