
Complete Recipes for Soaking Wine of Suoyang

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Cynomorium songaricum is not only suitable for men to tonify the kidney, but also can be used for women to solve the problem of infertility due to cold in the uterus, which can be said to be a common function of Cynomorium songaricum songaricum.
Cynomorium songaricum can be eaten alone, and it can also be used with Cistanche deserticola to soak wine. If these two herbs are used together to soak wine, they are especially suitable for male friends to tonify the kidney and strengthen yang, and have a very good effect on men's body conditioning.

Understand the efficacy and use of Cynomorium deserticola

Cistanche deserticola can nourish kidney yang and blood essence; Cynomorium can tonify the kidney, moisten the intestines and cure yang deficiency. Two kinds of traditional Chinese medicine soakers are mainly used to replenish yang qi, prevent and treat yang deficiency, and for daily health care of people with yang deficiency.

Start making soaks

Buy 250g of Cistanche deserticola and 250g of Cynomorium songaricum, wash them and dry them indoors, or use a hair dryer to dry them. I choose the fresh wild Cynomorium songaricum with good quality.

Buy 2 jin of pure grain brewed liquor. The higher the degree, the better,

Buy a large glass bottle with a cork, and put the liquor and dried Chinese medicine into the glass bottle together, because the medicine can be put without cutting too much.

One week later, if you see the color change of the white wine, you can drink it. One small cup at a time, no more than 30ml, because the amount is too large each time, it is easy to ignite

Remember to drink it for a long time, because the efficacy of health wine can only be achieved by drinking it for a long time.

250g of Suoyang can be used to brew 1kg of liquor. It will be better if it is mixed with Cistanche deserticola, Chinese wolfberry and other herbs. Tonifying the kidney, smoothing the intestines, strengthening the waist and knees. Indications: male impotence, female infertility, blood dry constipation, waist and knee impotence.

Where do we not meet in life 2024-05-16 14:44:09
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