
Format factory conversion video format method How to convert video format

Tianya Life
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Here we introduce the latest method of our format factory to convert video format, hoping to help you.

Operation method

After we have installed the format factory, we can click to open the format factory. Then we choose the video format we want to convert.

After selecting the format, we click Add File to select the file we need to convert.

After selecting our video file, click Open. At this time, it will appear directly in the list.

We can select the definition of the video we convert by clicking the output configuration above

In this list, we can add multiple videos for conversion at one time. If one of them is added but we don't want to convert, we can click this video, and then click Remove.

After all the additions are completed, we can click the Finish button above.

Then we will see the video we added and the location of the output

We select them. After selecting them, we click the Start button above to start the conversion.

During the conversion, we can clearly see the conversion speed, which is very convenient. The conversion speed has a certain relationship with the computer configuration and network speed.

After the conversion is completed, we can click the output file above to open our conversion address directly.

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Tianya Life 2024-05-18 07:22:53
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Latest answers Change


Q: Watermelon diseases and how to control them?

A: There are dozens of infectious diseases, among which the more serious ones are watermelon vine blight, watermelon wilt, watermelon anthracnose, watermelon virus disease, watermelon powdery mildew, watermelon leaf blight, watermelon leaf spot, watermelon blight, watermelon root knot nematode disease, watermelon bacterial leaf spot, watermelon bacterial fruit rot, watermelon damping off, watermelon damping off, watermelon cotton blight Watermelon brown rot disease, watermelon black spot disease, watermelon white silk disease, etc., the damage of these diseases not only affects the yield of watermelon, but also affects the quality. With the rapid development of facility watermelon planting area in the south and north of China and the increase of new varieties and introduced varieties, the continuous cropping and continuous cropping of watermelon, as well as the non-standard application of pesticides and chemical watermelon disease fertilizers, have led to an increase in the types of diseases and long-distance diseases in watermelon production, and complex symptoms of diseases and pests in the field. Watermelon has a wide range of lifelong diseases, including infectious diseases and physiological diseases. There are dozens of infectious diseases of watermelon in this section, including watermelon vine blight, watermelon wilt, watermelon anthracnose, watermelon virus disease, watermelon powdery mildew, watermelon leaf blight, watermelon leaf spot, watermelon blight, watermelon root knot nematode disease, watermelon bacterial leaf spot, watermelon bacterial fruit rot, watermelon sudden fall, watermelon damping off Watermelon cotton blight, watermelon brown rot, watermelon black spot, watermelon white silk, etc. These diseases not only affect the yield of watermelon, but also affect its quality. Watermelon diseases Watermelon diseases Watermelon diseases Watermelon diseases Watermelon diseases Watermelon diseases Watermelon diseases Watermelon diseases Physiological diseases in this paragraph Watermelon diseases During the growth of watermelon, physiological disorders caused by temperature, humidity, light, air and water are not suitable, nutrient elements are deficient or excessive, mechanical damage and other non biological factors are called physiological diseases. Physiological diseases are characterized by the symptoms of the disease in a certain plot at the same time. There is no process of spreading from a few infected plants to the surrounding areas, and the symptoms of the infected plants are relatively consistent. With the rapid development of facility watermelon planting area in the south and north of China, the proportion of physiological diseases in watermelon continuous cropping and continuous cropping is increasing year by year, and various pesticide and fertilizer damages caused by misdiagnosis and wrong drug use are widespread. Common physiological diseases of watermelon include watermelon root retting, watermelon seedling self sealing, watermelon overgrowth, watermelon acute wilt, deformed melon, hollow melon (watermelon hollow, hollow fruit), watermelon cracking (watermelon explosion, explosive melon), watermelon sunburn, fleshy and malignant fruit, and watermelon yellow belt fruit.

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