
Hazards of using 990 silver cup for a long time

Middle aged people are like fallen leaves
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990 silver cup refers to the silver products with more than 99% silver content, which has a long history of use. Long term use of 990 silver cup may cause the following hazards:

1. Silver contains trace silver ions. Drinking water containing silver ions for a long time may have adverse effects on human body. Silver ions are toxic to human liver, kidney and other organs. Excessive intake of silver ions may lead to silver poisoning, which is manifested by headache, nausea, vomiting, skin itching and other symptoms.

2. Silver cups are easy to breed bacteria. If they are not cleaned in time, bacteria may multiply and pose a threat to human health. Especially in the hot and humid environment in summer, it is easier to breed bacteria.

3. Long term use of silver cups may lead to blackening of silver cups and affect the beauty. At this time, it should be cleaned in time to maintain the luster of the silver cup.

To sum up, although 990 silver cup has certain health care effects, long-term use may also have some adverse effects. Therefore, when using silver cups, pay attention to cleaning and hygiene to avoid excessive intake of silver ions.

Middle aged people are like fallen leaves 2024-04-20 06:55:07
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