
How to upgrade 90b to 95a

Be destined to meet
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After DNF opens a new level and equipment level, players need to collect enough materials and prepare to upgrade materials and equipment, so that they can quickly upgrade to the highest level after the version is upgraded.

Operation method

It is not difficult to upgrade to 95A as a whole. All upgrade materials can be easily obtained in auction houses, and rare materials are not required.

When upgrading, we only need to use the corresponding level of soul and space-time stone, plus a large number of gold coins, so we need to spend more gold coins.

Players can directly purchase items such as space-time stone and soul, or choose to paint their own maps to complete daily tasks to obtain space-time stone.

If the player brushes the map to get the space-time stone, it will take more days to gather the required space-time stone, while the soul needs to decompose the equipment, which requires a lot of advanced equipment.

Players can quickly obtain advanced equipment by brushing maps such as the alien world, and then decompose the equipment to quickly obtain souls, but the probability of obtaining rare souls is low.

Players can upgrade one piece of equipment to 95A in about a month by painting their own pictures. However, if there are many gold coins, the upgrade speed can be accelerated. It will take a long time to complete all equipment upgrades.

Be destined to meet 2024-05-25 21:16:06
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