
Pay attention to men's swimming trunks

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When choosing swimming trunks, you should first consider your own needs. If you just go for a walk on the beach and simply dabble in the water, you should wear ordinary beach pants. If you are going to practice swimming professionally, there will be a lot of talk about swimming trunks. Today, I will focus on the selection of professional swimming trunks.

The length of the mainstream swimwear on the market is divided into three types: flat angle swimwear, briefs and knee length swimwear. Personally, I think it is the best for boys to wear flat angle swimming trunks, which will neither make people feel too much greasy or suffer greater resistance in the water because of too long exposure.

The swimsuit must be suitable for your size and comfortable to wear. Professional swimming trunks are relatively close fitting, but it is unnecessary to choose too tight and small ones. After all, they are not professional athletes. Wearing them so tight will be uncomfortable and will restrict the swimming movement.

Don't be too greedy when choosing swimming trunks. You should choose brand swimming trunks with good quality. Brands like speedo and arena are good. Brands that can be seen in domestic shopping malls are also convenient to buy. Of course, the price of overseas shopping will be cheaper.

From the aspect of appearance, I personally prefer boys to wear simple and simple styles without too many patterns. It doesn't matter if the color is bright, but if there are too many patterns on the top, people will feel uncomfortable. Of course, if the figure is particularly good, it can be ignored.

Swimming trunks should also be able to improve your figure. If you have meat in your belly, you should wear a high waist style to cover the fat, which can also show the leg length visually. If the legs are thick, don't choose bright colors. You can wear a low-key color such as coffee or navy blue.

Let's briefly talk about beach pants. I found that many boys in Europe and the United States wear such loose swimming trunks. In fact, it's quite convenient. You can swim in the water and play on the beach without delay. When choosing this kind of beach pants, the length is generally above the knee, and the color should not be too light, because it may become transparent after soaking in water.

In addition, if you want to go into the water when choosing beach pants, you must choose fast drying fabrics. If it is ordinary pure cotton cloth, the swimming trunks will stick to your legs sticky after going into the water, which will not only make you feel uncomfortable, but also make you look very unsightly to outsiders.

Finally, I would like to remind you not to mix underpants and swimming trunks. Although their appearance is very similar, their fabric workmanship is completely different. The underpants are generally made of pure cotton, which will become very heavy after water absorption and will easily lead to the danger of being exposed to light.

What's the pain 2024-05-12 14:54:04
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