
Lenovo G490 Laptop Disassemble to Clean Fan Dust

Womanly flower
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Lenovo G490 Laptop Disassemble to Clean Fan Dust

Operation method

Turn off the computer first and then turn over the notebook

Remove the notebook battery

Two screws can be seen on the side

Remove the two screws

Push your thumbs forward slightly at the same time, about 5mm.

Open the rear cover

Remove two screws and pull out a plug

After removing the screw and plug

Take out the fan and put it aside Attention: When taking out the fan, it is not easy to take out the fan because there are sponge pads and double-sided adhesive under the fan.

Start cleaning

Clean up completed

Finally, install all the removed fans, plugs, screws and back cover batteries back.

hot tip

Note: When taking out the fan, it is not easy to take out the fan because there are sponge pads and double-sided adhesive under the fan

Womanly flower 2024-05-15 06:57:13
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