
What is good for pregnant women to have low blood pressure during pregnancy?

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Pregnant women's friends have low blood pressure, so they can take some high cholesterol food in an appropriate amount. It is suggested to supplement more animal viscera, such as pig brain, pig liver, etc., and eat more food in an appropriate amount to increase blood pressure.

Ginger. People with low blood pressure need to eat a proper amount of ginger. Ginger itself has the function of appetizing and strengthening the spleen. Women friends can sprinkle some ginger powder when cooking, or use ginger to make tea, which can effectively improve the symptoms of low blood pressure.

Pregnant women need an appropriate amount of protein supplement. It is recommended to supplement eggs, milk, and milk. This kind of food is particularly easy to digest and absorb, and can also supplement nutrition for the human body, effectively improving the symptoms of low blood pressure.

Stewed Pig Feet with Peanuts. The nutritional value of pig hooves is very high, which can supplement protein for human body, and also has the role of beauty. Clean the pig's hooves and cut them into small pieces. Then put the pig's hooves and peanuts together in a pot. Add water, cook slowly with low heat, and finally add salt to taste them.

Red bean porridge. Red bean porridge itself has the function of enriching blood, and can also improve fatigue. For symptoms such as weakness, soak the red beans first, then put the red beans in water, boil them for a while, add rice to cook porridge, and add rock sugar to taste.

Mulberry. Mulberry itself has the function of enriching blood and spleen, can supplement nutrition for female friends, and can also play an antioxidant effect to prevent human body from forming spots.

Braised chicken with chestnuts in brown sauce. The main ingredients are chestnuts, Chinese yams, cooked rehmannia, chicken, mushrooms, etc. Cut the chicken into shreds and add seasonings. Mix well. It takes about 20 minutes to marinate. Then stir fry the Chinese yam chestnuts and mushrooms, add cooked rehmannia and chicken in turn, and finally add water, slowly boil, stew and serve.

Red dates, red dates can alleviate fatigue and other symptoms, but also have the role of blood. Pregnant women can eat more red dates, which can effectively improve the symptoms of low blood pressure.

blue sky 2024-05-10 06:04:03
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