
Who is the hero of the third chapter of the law

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The hero of the third chapter of the law is Wuding, the great Shang king of the Shang Dynasty. When he was in power, he restricted the power of the nobility, protected the interests of the people, and enabled the Shang Dynasty to continue to prosper and develop by formulating the "Three Chapter Law". These laws and regulations include: forbidding nobles to kill people at will, forbidding nobles to occupy people's land, and forbidding nobles to force people to work for them. These provisions were very progressive for the society at that time, and laid the foundation for the later legal system.

tulips 2024-04-15 12:04:51
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Q: Where do you go during the National Day holiday

A: The northern Xinjiang is bounded by the Tianshan Mountains. Xinjiang is divided into the south and the north. Here we mainly talk about northern Xinjiang. The main scenic spots of our trip to northern Xinjiang should not be missed, such as Kanas, a fairyland on earth, Sayram, a mountain lake, and Nalati, a "grassland in the air". Kanas Lake, at the northernmost end of Xinjiang, is the most beautiful scenic spot in Xinjiang in recent years and the only area with European ecosystem. Snow peak glaciers, blue sky and white clouds, green water and grass, and birch forests are similar to the scenery of Geneva Lake in Switzerland. Jiangshan Xianxia Ancient Road Xianxia Ancient Road is located in Nanxianling, Baoan Township, Jiangshan County, Zhejiang Province, where Fujian, Zhejiang and Jiangxi provinces meet. Guancheng is connected with mountains in the east and west, and there are narrow roads in the north and south. It is the throat of ancient Quzhou (now Quxian County, Zhejiang Province) to Jianzhou (now Jianou, Fujian Province). Xianxialing Road starts from Jiangshan in Zhejiang Province in the north and ends at Pucheng in Fujian Province in the south for more than 100 kilometers. It is winding and narrow, with high mountains and deep valleys on both sides, and connects Xiulian Peak. There are Yao Ridge, Xianxia Ridge, Tea Ridge, Xiaogan Ridge, Feng Ridge (Dagan Ridge), Li Ridge (Wuxian Ridge) and other dangerous passes, collectively called the Six Xianxia Ridges. Among the six mountains, Xianxia Mountain is the most precipitous. Xianxia Pass, an important pass, is composed of four stone gates. There is Dai Li's hometown in the security area in the north of Xianxia Ridge. Where to go on National Day, there are few tourists. Why not come to this ancient town with outstanding people and enjoy a leisurely time! Xuyi Xuyi County is located in the lower reaches of the Huaihe River in Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, and on the south bank of Hongze Lake. Xuyi, a land of 2497 square kilometers, has a combination of traditional culture and modern culture. 760000 Xuyi children live in this hot land. Look at Xu directly as Yi. It is also called Duliang. The original place is named for its abundant Duliang herbs. Throughout history, the birthplace of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of the Ming Dynasty. King Huai of Chu built his capital in Xuyi and so on, so he is also called the hometown of emperors. Xuyi is also very famous for its lobster, which is also known as the lobster city. Xuyi lobster has a unique taste, which is characterized by being spicy, hot, fresh and fragrant. As a popular and popular food, it has a lingering fragrance, endless aftertaste and never tire of eating, so it has a strong market share and is favored by the majority of diners. If you don't know where to go on National Day with few visitors, why not come to Xuyi to taste the special lobster! Taizhou Taizhou has the sea, the island, the historic sites and the humanities. If you think there are too many people in Hangzhou on this National Day, you can go to Taizhou. Taizhou is a young coastal city on China's golden coastline, located in the middle of Zhejiang coastal area, the southernmost wing of Shanghai Economic Zone. Taizhou has a long history. It is the discovery place of pterosaur fossils in Jiangnan and the birthplace of Xiatang culture in the Neolithic Age more than 5000 years ago. Taizhou enjoys the benefits of both mountains and seas, and has been known as a "famous mountain on the sea" in history. Taizhou is one of the main grain producing areas in Zhejiang Province, and also the main fruit town in China. The famous fruit Huangyan tangerine and Yuhuan Wendan are famous both at home and abroad. Where to go on National Day? There are few people playing. It's better to come to Taizhou, a beautiful place to eat! The autumn in the Great Khingan Mountains is very beautiful. The oak leaves on the mountains turn red, and there are some green needles mixed with birches. The color is very beautiful. If you can see the white fog winding around the mountainside just after dawn, you will feel that you are in a fairyland. The temperature is cooler, but it is very refreshing. If you stand on the top of the mountain, the white fog between the mountains will be like a winding river at one time, and a jade belt under the breeze at another time! This is the season for mountain pickers. Mountain treasures are beginning to mature. Hazelnut mushrooms are growing in pieces, and hazelnuts are filled with pulp. Blueberries emit purple air. They can be found easily when you bend down. There is a layer of frost outside the blue, which makes you salivating. You can smell the refreshing aroma of wild strawberries when you get closer.

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