
How to watch the battle and send messages to friends on the PC side of Wilderness Action

Beaming with Joy
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Operation method

Open the Wilderness Action client and log in to your account, as shown in the figure.

After entering the game, click the corresponding button in the menu bar, as shown in the figure.

On the "Watch" page, you can select four parts: "Discover, Local, Friends, and Follow", as shown in the figure.

Select the person who has the "Play" button, and click the button to watch, as shown in the figure.

Return to the main page, click the "Friends" button to enter the "Friends" page, as shown in the figure.

On the friends page, select the friends with a message box behind them, and click the message box, as shown in the figure.

Enter the chat page to exchange messages with friends, as shown in the figure.

Beaming with Joy 2024-04-21 23:28:26
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