
The practice of soaking mulberry and medlar in wine

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The practice of soaking mulberry and medlar in wine
Mulberry has important medicinal value and health care value. Mulberry and medlar soaking wine is also conducive to people's physical and mental health.

Operation method

Prepare the mulberry for soaking in wine. When you buy it, you must check whether it is new or not.

Pick up the crushed moldy mulberry, and then use scissors to cut the green mulberry handle.

Prepare medlar and try to choose high-quality and dry medlar.

Prepare rock sugar, black sesame, red dates and other accessories, try to choose old rock sugar, medium block is better.

Prepare the wine bottle and wash it one day in advance.

Prepare liquor well, and high level liquor is preferred.

Finally, add various auxiliary materials such as mulberry, medlar, rock sugar in turn, and finally add white wine.

hot tip

Drink and don't drive!

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lead a fast 2024-05-15 14:17:31
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