
Why Few People in Inland Drink Highland Barley Wine

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The main reasons why few people in inland areas drink highland barley wine are as follows:

1. It is not easy to preserve highland barley wine: highland barley wine is a fermented wine, which is easily affected by temperature, humidity and other environmental factors. It is not easy to preserve, especially in dry inland areas, the quality of highland barley wine is easily affected.

2. Regional cultural differences: The diet culture and taste in inland areas are different from those in Tibetan areas. Highland barley wine is a traditional drink in Tibetan areas, and people in inland areas may be more accustomed to other types of alcohol, such as liquor and beer.

3. High brewing cost: the brewing of highland barley wine requires high costs, including the planting, processing, fermentation and other links of highland barley, which makes the price of highland barley wine relatively high, and consumers in inland areas may prefer more affordable wines.

4. High alcohol content: The alcohol content of highland barley wine is usually above 40 degrees. Compared with some low alcohol content wines in inland areas, the alcohol content of highland barley wine is high, which may not be suitable for the tastes of consumers in inland areas.

In short, there are many reasons why few people in inland areas drink highland barley wine, including high brewing costs, regional cultural differences, alcohol intensity and other factors.

Time told me not to look back 2024-04-18 18:35:33
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