
How to deal with high triglyceride

Wind Farewell Crane Leaf
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Operation method

The most important and initial thing to do after finding high triglycerides is to treat them as early as possible, and conduct regular physical examination, and adjust the treatment plan according to the physical examination results.

High triglycerides can be secondary to diseases, such as diabetes, nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism, dialysis, biliary obstruction, etc. Therefore, if you want to control hypertriglycerides, you must effectively treat the primary diseases. For example, diabetes needs to control blood sugar in time before treating blood lipids. The so-called indicators also need to cure the root cause.

After eating fatty foods, especially animal fatty foods (such as fat meat), triglycerides in the body are significantly increased; Eating too many carbohydrates (refined rice, carbonated drinks) will cause blood sugar to rise and synthesize more triglycerides. In addition, drinking can also produce triglycerides quickly. So we must keep good living habits and eating habits.

Long term reasonable exercise and exercise can effectively reduce triglycerides, so patients with hypertriglyceridemia should also carry out long-term, regular physical exercise or physical labor.

Wind Farewell Crane Leaf 2024-04-21 04:53:53
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