
Is it fun to pass the Devil errant? Burn money? how

Ideal octogenarian
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Return to the origin of the game, experience is the king
As far as the Legend and as far as the Legend of the Devil errant, the common point is that the original game skeleton of online combat games has been retained. It is not that they really refuse to make progress, but that they fully understand where their positioning is based. If "games" are all about heroes based on complexity, then screen computer games will never compete with host games, and most RPG games in the system will never compete with sims. In any game, what participants want to get at first is just the experience of "fun". As long as players can enjoy themselves, their popularity will not be destroyed. The reason why "The Legend of the Devil errant" became popular in 2015 is precisely because it accurately captured the "fun" elements pursued by online fighting players, improved and improved on the basis of inheriting the classic, nostalgic but not outdated.

Operation method

Third, career design is timeless. There are not many professions, just enough fun. Although diversified design can attract the attention of different players, it may not be applicable to all games. The game should have a stable foothold. The first thing to do is to specialize in characteristics. As a fighting game, The Legend of the Devil errant resolutely adopted the most classic three career design: war, law and bow. The three classes of professions with different playing methods and characteristics are very powerful, which makes old players feel more friendly at a glance. New players can have an excellent experience when they start, which is simple but not rude. The important "wet nurse" in other online games can be easily replaced by the automatic blood blue CD free instant addition function, so it is more reassuring to keep it safe in your own hands. [Biography of the Devil errant] When registering, don't forget to fill in the ID of the addressee? 139067 After success, you can obtain double medicine * 3 blood pools * 3 spirit pools * 3 super gossip token * 3 super lucky medicine * 3 super reward token * 3

What is the most important element of the simple and direct fighting game in the gang camp? PK, of course! It's not enough to fight alone, but also to fight in groups. According to the players' psychology, the Magic Xia Biography has purposely strengthened the connection between the gang system, the camp system and the players. Its idea is very simple: it is really good to be nice to everyone. Move my brother and hit me in the face. From the beginning of the daily tasks of the gangs and camps, the awareness of "hostility" has been constantly deepened. Even a small task of exploration and monster killing will conflict with the enemy and lead to hatred. This ensures that when we officially fight against the Japanese, we can quickly enter the state of "the enemy is extremely jealous when meeting, and the enemy PK is extremely bloody".

How high is honor and how great is passion? In the end, Pk fights for fame and wealth. In the virtual world, players can fully release their pursuit of these two things, and also have enough ability to pursue. Among them, "name" is even more important than "benefit". Don't underestimate the "false name" in online games. The title and status of data are also created by players by their own efforts. The sense of belonging and achievement are very strong. In reality, it is hard to realize that "deserved" often has fatal attraction. Playing "The Legend of the Devil errant", being the King of Luoyang is the highest dream of all Xiami. He can stand his golden statue in the center and be worshipped by others. He can lead a city to become a real power overlord. Who can resist such a detached position, and why not.

Chixiao: Career orientation: melee physics attack profession. The weapon is a sword. It has the highest blood defense. It is not only the most reliable bastion of iron for allies, but also can attack and defeat the enemy in the chaos. Career development: Direction 1: High attack type Suggested configuration: talent mainly adds armor breaking and bloody battle, attribute point mainly adds internal power to Chixiao Sect, and dominates with sword. With the unique high explosive and high output of soldiers, the skill between opening and closing is enough to make the enemy frightened and defeated. Direction 2: Suggested configuration of blood cow type: the main point of talent is to increase blood war and anti shock, and the main point of attribute is to increase physical strength. The enemy will hurt me by one point, and the enemy will be shocked by three points. With the advantage of blood volume, the red sky warriors can cooperate with the high outbreak of blood war and the strong anti shock anti damage, which can completely put the opponent in a dilemma of attack and defense. Direction 3: Suggested configuration of defensive type: talent focuses on block, attribute focuses on endurance. Good teams also need good backing. Red sky soldiers with meat shields use superb defense and block talent to ensure that their teammates can stand up in major battles such as dungeons, BOSS battles, and imperial city battles. They are the most trusted bastions of the brothers. Professional skill: Power split: a new single attack skill with great momentum but little power; Earth splitting: use the sword to resist the enemy, with a little sword qi as the primary single attack skill; Mountain Collapse: cut the enemy with a sword, with an intermediate single attack skill with a small amount of sword qi (pre skill: ground breaking reaches Level 10); Burning Sky: kill the enemy with a sword, with a high level single attack skill with a lot of sword qi (pre skill: mountain collapse reaches Level 10); Defending the sword to start a prairie fire: the sword can start a prairie fire all over the country. It can frighten the ghosts and make them dare not to approach. It is an elementary group attack skill; Sword Dance in the Eight Wastes: The sword dances in all directions, killing evil spirits and making it impossible to stop. Medium level group attack skill (pre skill: controlling the sword to start a prairie fire reaches Level 10); Five Mountains Hua Chop: The sword swings the universe, and the evil way makes it impossible to avoid. High level group attack skill (pre skill: Sword Dance Eight Wastes reaches Level 10); Sweep across thousands of troops: anger skill, sword qi can cut thousands of troops vertically and horizontally, attack a large range of targets, and anger can be released when full; Sword Roaring Nine Heavens: anger skill, which can shock the sky when the sword is long. Attack a large range of targets, and anger can be released when full (Pre skill: Sweep Thousands of Armies to Level 10); Shenxing: Increase the movement speed of yourself or the target, and last for a period of time. Profession Talent: Armor Breaking: Gives Chixiao a chance to ignore part of the target's defense and cause a lot of damage to the target; Bloody battle: when attacking, Chixiao can have a certain chance to cause high additional damage to the target and drain some of its life; Countershock: when Chixiao is attacked, he can have some chances to bounce back the damage taken to the opponent by percentage; Block: When Chixiao is attacked, he can have a certain chance to block the opponent's attack and reduce some of the damage. Feather: Career orientation: long-range physical attack profession, with bow as weapon, medium blood defense, and fast attack speed; The footwork is elegant and can often defeat the enemy a hundred steps away. Career development: Direction 1: Recommended configuration of high injury type: the main talent is to add angry shot and poison, and the main attribute point is to add internal power. The high explosive force of angry shot talent is combined with the continuous toxic damage effect of poison talent. The high injury type feather bowman will become the ultimate nightmare in the eyes of the enemy in the battlefield. Direction 2: Recommended configuration of sniper type: the main talent is to add piercing and angry shooting, the main attribute point is to add internal power and blood to the enemy's nemesis, the terminator of the defeated general who ran away, and the sniper type feather bow. With their own advantages in range, the lethal attack and high output damage of piercing talent can definitely become a nail in the eye of the enemy, a thorn in the flesh, and make the enemy painfully crazy. Direction 3: Recommended configuration of agility type: talent plus agility, attribute point plus endurance Although the damage output of the agile type of feather bow is not high, the improvement of her defense can make her survive better in the battlefield and launch her own protracted war. Professional skill: powerful shot: a powerful single attack skill for novices; Star Chasing: a primary single attack skill that uses arrows to shoot the enemy and cause a little damage; Running to the Moon: an intermediate single attack skill that uses arrows to kill enemies and cause medium damage (pre skill: star chasing reaches Level 10); Penetrating the Sun: an advanced single attack skill that can use an arrow to defeat the enemy and cause a lot of damage (pre skill: Run to the Moon reaches Level 10); Streaming Light and Drinking Rain: The arrows turn into drizzle to attack the enemy, which is a primary group attack skill; Empty Arrow Shadow: the arrow shadow breaks through the air and attacks the enemy. Medium level group attack skill (pre skill: Streaming Light and Drinking Rain has reached Level 10); Ripple of arrow rain: Ten thousand arrows are concurrent, which can splash ripples on the ground like a rainstorm. High level group attack skill (pre skill: Arrow Shadow Emptying has reached Level 10); Spirit snake magic dance: anger skill. The arrow is transformed into a spirit snake flying, attacking a large range of targets, and anger can be released when full; Wailing the sky and penetrating the sun: anger skill. With the power of the ancestor Hou Yi, you can ride the rainbow to wail in the sky and penetrate the sun, attack a wide range of targets, and release your anger when full (pre-existing skill: snake magic dance reaches Level 10); Boiling blood: increase the maximum life of yourself or the target for a period of time; Dispel: make yourself or friendly targets have a probability to dispel the beneficial BUFF effect of hostile targets every time you attack. Profession talent: Rage shot: when attacking, you have a chance to shoot an arrow with anger, instantly increasing your own damage; Poison: make the feather's attack have a chance to poison the target and cause continuous damage; Heart piercing: when attacking the target whose HP is lower than a certain proportion, it can increase some damage and make the arrow deadly; Smart: give Feathers a chance to completely avoid the attack of the opponent.

Ideal octogenarian 2024-05-14 15:01:03
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