
Quick Start Skills for English Beginners

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At the beginning of learning English, you should learn the basic knowledge of phonetics and letters well. Phonetic symbols are equivalent to pinyin in Chinese. If you master phonetic symbols, you can spell words according to phonetic symbols, so you can understand the pronunciation of words.

For beginners, if conditions permit, it is better to find an English training institution for systematic learning. If there is a teacher to teach, you can avoid many detours. I can solve the problem in time when I encounter something I can't learn.

It is very important to learn English by memorizing words. It is useless to discuss any English learning before mastering 3000 words. Memorizing words is a very boring process, but as long as we form the habit, we can certainly improve it by using pieces of time every day.

Reading the original English books is also a good way to learn English. In the process of reading, you can not only recite words, but also understand grammar. At the beginning of learning English, I recommend watching The Little Prince. The words in The Little Prince are very simple. There may be only a few unknown words. You can read them by looking up the dictionary occasionally.

To learn English, you must buy an English dictionary at the beginning. Because at the beginning of learning, there will certainly be many unknown words. When encountering unknown words, you should check them in time. Self checking can also deepen your memory.

It is also important to practice English listening. I recommend listening to VOA English listening. VOA English listening has clear pronunciation and simple vocabulary, which is a good choice for beginners.

If learning English is to take an exam, you should buy more English exercise books. Practice makes perfect by doing exercises, and improves the accuracy of English exercises. You can make a note of yourself when you encounter important and difficult questions.

Watching American TV plays is a good way to learn. I recommend watching Friends, which has clear English pronunciation and simple English grammar. You can enjoy the plot when watching the play, but you should pay more attention to English dialogue.

original 2024-05-10 18:19:16
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