
Why did Wang Laoji change his name to Jia Duobao? The reason behind this is

A little rain falls into the mountain mist
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The two familiar slogans of "drinking Wang Laoji for fear of getting angry" and "drinking Jiaduobao for fear of getting angry" have gone deep into the hearts of a generation of herbal tea fans. The reason why Wang Laoji changed his name to Jiaduobao, the origin of Wang Laoji's change of name, will start seven years ago.

Why did Wang Laoji change his name to Jia Duobao? The reason behind this is actually
On May 1, 2010, Hongdao Group's lease of Wanglaoji trademark expired. Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group contacted Hongdao Group dozens of times by telephone, official letter, lawyer's letter and other forms, hoping to renegotiate the trademark license issue, but Hongdao Group did not respond. As a last resort, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) for arbitration on April 26, 2011 in accordance with the dispute resolution method agreed by both parties.

On December 29, 2011, the arbitration case was formally heard.
On May 9, 2012, the China International Trade Arbitration Commission ruled that both the Supplementary Agreement on "Wanglaoji" Trademark License and the Supplementary Agreement on "Wanglaoji" Trademark Use License Contract were invalid. This means that Hongdao Group has no right to use the trademark of Wanglaoji since May 2, 2010, and the profits obtained by Hongdao Group from operating Wanglaoji for more than two years are illegal gains. Since then, the two herbal tea manufacturers have carried out a series of lawsuits because of trademark, advertising language, packaging and other issues.
On December 15, 2015, the "name change case" that had long been in dispute with Jia Duobao was finally settled in the Guangdong Provincial High Court. Jia Duobao was judged to have false publicity, and Wang Laoji won the lawsuit. With the settlement of the case, the four core assets of Wang Laoji have all returned to Wang Laoji, including the red pot case, the fear of going on fire case, the name change case, the positioning advertisement of Wang Laoji's trademark, decoration and fear of going on fire, and the authentic inheritance of herbal tea secret recipe in 187.
Time is changing. Wang Laoji's name, inheritance, formula and the purpose of Jishili people have never been changed. What has changed is the product form, marketing means, sales channels, etc., only to provide consumers with better products and services. It is hoped that in 2017, Wang Laoji will make persistent efforts to realize the Chinese dream of herbal tea and share herbal tea with everyone.

A little rain falls into the mountain mist 2024-05-07 07:10:59
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