
How the Balloon of the Wedding Room Sticks to the Roof

I didn't mean to fly a swallow into a dream
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When getting married, many people like to use balloons to decorate the wedding room. How can the balloons stick to the roof?

Operation method

Use a hydrogen balloon, and pour hydrogen into the balloon. Because the density of hydrogen is small, it will keep rising, so it can be stuck even if it is not suitable for glue, but it is dangerous and easy to explode;

With double-sided tape, most people will use double-sided tape to stick balloons, which is relatively firm. The only disadvantage is that it will leave an offset print on the wall;

When using helium, it is much safer than hydrogen, because helium is a small density and inert gas, and it will not explode easily in a room;

Using the non marking glue, you can buy the non marking glue on the Internet, so that it will not leave traces on the balloons and walls.

I didn't mean to fly a swallow into a dream 2024-05-14 03:30:08
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