
How can I get to the third floor of Guangzhou South Railway Station

Clouds and rain drifting
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Guangzhou South Railway Station is a large railway transportation hub. Because of its large scale, it is three stories high. If you want to go to the third floor of Guangzhou South Railway Station, you can follow the steps below:

1. Find the elevator or escalator: There are elevators and escalators between the three floors of Guangzhou South Railway Station, you can choose according to your own needs. The elevator is usually beside the platform or at the entrance of the hall, while the escalator is distributed in all corners.

2. Check the signs in the station: There are many signs in Guangzhou South Railway Station, which can help you find your destination. There is usually a sign beside the elevator or escalator. You can check the signs on the sign to find the floor you need to go to.

3. Follow the sign: According to the sign on the sign, you can find the elevator or escalator to the third floor. During the journey, you can find the correct direction according to the arrow on the sign.

4. Arrive at the third floor: When you arrive at the third floor, you can find the destination you need to go to according to the signs in the station. The third floor of Guangzhou South Railway Station is usually the commercial area or waiting area. You can go to the corresponding area according to your own needs.

In a word, if you need to go to the third floor of Guangzhou South Railway Station, you can find the elevator or escalator according to the signs in the station and follow the signs. After arriving at the third floor, you can go to the corresponding area according to your own needs.

Clouds and rain drifting 2024-04-15 16:11:54
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