
Binding method of fluffy ponytail

Favorable reply

Fashion is unpredictable. You should catch the main line of the trend and find your own hairstyle. The changeable summer is very suitable for creating changeable oneself. I'm tired of refreshing but single ponytail. Let's learn how to tie this fluffy ponytail together. It's a fashionable and young summer.

Operation method

If the hair is straight and supple, use a curling stick to curl it three times at the end of the hair. The curling stick can be 38mm.

Tie the curly hair into a low ponytail and fix it with a black hair loop.

Divide the ponytail into three strands that are small on the left and right and large in the middle.

Turn the large strands of hair into a bun, and then bind the small strands of hair into a bun. Pay attention to the puffiness of the bun.

Finally, use your hands to grasp some fluffy feeling, apply hair wax to shape and make your hair shiny.

Extrication 2024-05-14 19:08:35
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