
Can you eat soy milk powder that is caked but not expired

A game, a dream
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The caking of soybean milk powder does not necessarily mean that it has expired, because soybean milk powder contains a lot of protein and starch. If it is not stored properly, it will caking due to water evaporation. Therefore, as long as the soybean milk powder is not expired and has no signs of mildew or deterioration, it can still be eaten.

However, if the soybean milk powder has expired, it can no longer be eaten. Overdue soybean milk powder may produce harmful bacteria or toxins, leading to food poisoning and other health problems. Therefore, before you eat soybean milk powder, you must pay attention to check its shelf life and appearance to ensure its safety.

In addition, in order to avoid caking of soybean milk powder, it is recommended to store it in a dry, cool and ventilated place, and use it as soon as possible after opening. If the soybean milk powder has caked, gently stir it with chopsticks or a spoon to make it loose. If the caking is serious, the soybean milk powder can be put into the food processing machine for crushing, and then used.

A game, a dream 2024-04-19 10:49:32
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