
Recommend several facial cleansers

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Pelaya Water Core Skin Cleanser: This is the cleanser that Xiaobian is using, and it is strongly recommended to everyone. The first time I used Pelaia's facial cleanser, I am now ready to buy it again. The biggest feature of this facial cleanser is that the skin is not dry and tight after washing, and the skin is smooth and moist after washing. The texture of the cream, less foam, easy to clean, is worth buying.

Chunji Elastic Gel Facial Cleanser: This facial cleanser has a good cleaning effect. The texture is cream, with less foam, easy to rinse, and the skin is not tight after use. But the smell may not be very good. Personally, I can accept this.

Thailand Beauty Buffet Q10 milk facial cleanser: this is also a small buy back. Full of milk smell, I always feel like I'm drinking milk when I wash my face. The cream has almost no foam, is not tight after washing, and has a slight whitening effect. But its cleaning power may not be so good, but when removing makeup, you should carefully remove it. Another point is that this model is the king of parity. You can buy it for 35-40 yuan.

Osiman Pearl Water Living Miracle Cleanser: This cleanser is gentle and clean, and has the effect of purifying pores and improving dull and rough skin. This product is of gel texture, low foam and mild moisturizing type. Refreshing without stimulation, not tight after washing, with a faint fragrance after use.

Lark Antelope Facial Cleanser: Lark Antelope is an old domestic brand. Each series of it is mild and suitable for women with thin cuticle. The cream is physically rich in foam and clean. After washing, the face is not dry and very warm. The facial cleanser itself is also very mild and non irritating.

Water Password Sea Spring Cleanser: This product contains precious mineral spring essence and seaweed essence, which can purify, moisturize and protect the sebum film. Pearlescent texture, fine foam, strong cleaning power, it is rich in mineral elements, can take away excess oil from the face, and the face is very fresh after washing. It is suitable for oily skin with more oil.

Hanshu Camellia Facial Cleanser: This facial cleanser contains camellia essence, which helps to enhance moisturizing power and brighten skin color. The foam is fine and rich, and the cleaning ability is strong. It is not tight and dry after use. It is accompanied by a faint fragrance. The packaging of powder is also full of girl's heart.

Meikang Fendai Pearl Amino Acid Facial Cleanser: This brand was discovered by Xiaobian accidentally and then planted grass. Their products are relatively cheap, but the quality and effect are trustworthy. This cleanser contains pearl powder and amino acid, which has whitening effect. At the same time, it can prevent blackheads, repair sensitive muscles and pockmarks. Low foam and mild, good moisturizing effect, suitable for dry skin.

Kazilan Snail Moisturizing and Smoothing Facial Cleanser: This facial cleanser is rich in snails original liquid to keep skin moisturized for a long time, plus Centella asiatica ingredients to soothe and calm skin, and aloe can reduce facial fine lines. Porcelain white cream has rich and delicate foam. After washing, it is not tight, and the skin is moisturized for a long time.

No more love songs 2024-05-06 20:44:33
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