
Resolve the conflict between IP address and online system

The most handsome old man
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The IP address conflicts with the online system
It indicates that your IP address is the same as that of another person in your network segment. The biggest reason may be that you or he has set a fixed IP, and this fixed IP is the same as yours. The following is the solution process.
[The simplest solution is to give up the fixed IP, set the automatic acquisition, and run the command to acquire the IP again]

Operation method

First, open the properties in your local network. Find the local connection -->property in the network connection

Click Properties

After. Flip to the Internet protocol version IPV4 as shown in the figure. Then double-click to enter the settings.

Set to automatically obtain IP and DNS

Then open Start -->enter CMD Enter. Open cmd. Then, first enter the? Ipconfig/release releases the configured ip settings.

Wait for the execution to complete () and then enter ipconfig/renew again

After that, wait a few seconds to get an unused IP from your router (if the router still has the remaining IP). Here is the command: ipconfig/releaseipconfig/renew

The most handsome old man 2024-05-15 02:03:37
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