
Are there mermaids in the world

The sunset knows the autumn
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From a scientific point of view, there is no evidence that mermaids exist in the world. Mermaid is a legendary creature, which is usually described as a creature whose upper body is human and lower body is fish. This legend can be traced back to the ancient Greek myth of Neptune, the sea god, and his wife, the mermaid Amitis.

Although many people claim to have seen mermaids, these have not been confirmed by science. Many so-called mermaid sightings are actually people seeing seals, manatees, dolphins and other aquatic animals, or misunderstandings about light, bubbles and other natural phenomena.

Therefore, it can be said that mermaids only exist in legends and imagination, not in reality.

The sunset knows the autumn 2024-04-18 18:54:27
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