
What kind of Shanghai food do you have

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Shanghai cuisine refers to the unique cuisine in Shanghai, which is characterized by careful selection of materials, fine cooking, light taste, and the coordination of color, aroma and taste. The following are the main representative dishes of Shanghai cuisine:

1. Fried Bun: Fried Bun is one of the famous snacks in Shanghai, famous for its crispy skin and delicious stuffing. It is characterized by spreading a layer of sesame seeds and scallions on the steamed stuffed bun skin, frying in a pan until the bottom is golden and crisp, and then steaming with water until the top is fully cooked.

2. Braised pork in brown sauce: Braised pork in brown sauce is one of the favorite dishes of Shanghai people. It is characterized by the selection of streaky pork with skin. First, it is boiled in hot water to remove the fishy smell, then it is stir fried in oil until the surface is slightly charred, and finally it is slowly stewed with soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine and other condiments to make the meat fresh and tender, and the juice thick.

3. Steamed Pork with Rice Flour: Steamed Pork with Rice Flour is one of the traditional specialties in Shanghai. It is characterized by thin slices of lean meat and steamed in a paste made of rice flour and starch. It tastes smooth and smells delicious.

4. Sweet and sour spareribs: Sweet and sour spareribs are one of the traditional famous dishes in Shanghai. It is characterized by the selection of pig spareribs, which are first boiled in hot water to remove the fishy smell, then stir fried in oil until the surface is slightly charred, and finally added with vinegar, sugar and other seasonings to slow stew, so that the ribs taste sweet and sour.

5. Red Oil Wonton: Red Oil Wonton is one of the best snacks in Shanghai. It is characterized by the choice of fresh meat stuffing and shrimp, wrapped in thin skin, and seasoned with red oil and pepper. It tastes hot and delicious.

In addition to the above representative dishes, Shanghai cuisine has many other traditional dishes, such as steamed perch, fermented duck, fried shrimp, etc., which are the essence of Shanghai cuisine.

How can I rely on my strength 2024-04-19 10:38:05
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