
Cats and mice and Sherlock Holmes Introduction

Indifferent to life
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The cat and mouse and Sherlock Holmes game is an adventure game. Jerry Mouse and Tom Cat went to steal diamonds this time. You need to have a smart mind to find the key to open the door of the diamond vault, so you can steal more diamonds. Let's challenge together.

Operation method

After the game is loaded, enter the game start interface, and click the [play] button to enter the next step.

Enter the game description interface, you can view various operation instructions, and you can directly demonstrate with pictures. Click the small foot button on the right to turn to the next page. You can also click the [skip/close] button at the bottom to enter the next step, and click the [continue] button to jump into the game interface.

Keyboard direction key control Tom and Jerry went in to steal diamonds. You need to control Tom Cat and Jerry to keep collecting diamonds, find the key, and avoid the diamond guards.

Collect diamonds to score points and get blue tools. We must avoid the enemy and choose some roads without enemy.

Continue to collect more tools forward.

Collect a key. Then go back and find the door.

When you have tools, you can press the space bar to use props to deal with the enemy when meeting the person guarding the diamond.

Find the door, use the key to open the door, you can challenge success.

hot tip

Be careful not to meet the enemy.

Indifferent to life 2024-05-15 15:26:41
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