
Introduction to photography: selection of shooting angle and depth of field control

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After starting photography, you need to choose the subject from different angles, and you can achieve the goal of improving with the virtual effect of depth of field; In the shooting of still life and portrait, different angles can show different emphasis. You can highlight the edge, choose the thickness of the section, and highlight the overall texture. Similar to the composition that is not centered, the results obtained from different entry points such as up, down, left, right, and 45 degrees are different.

Operation method

Still life often has thick and different sections. After understanding the characteristics of the shot, it can be displayed from 2-3 angles, such as the sharp edge or the texture and texture of the section.

Regular front overhead shooting, recording the whole picture taken as a whole

Oblique shot at a certain angle, with the depth of field blurred. Flat shot, close to and blur the background.

During the shooting process, the portrait changes from front, side, back and other angles, which can find the different feelings of the subjects. It is easy to choose about 3 photos from each angle, and it can be more three-dimensional from multiple angles. In view of the fact that portrait shooting requires communication and understanding, and can well discover special beauty, it is very necessary to try shooting from multiple angles in order to record beautiful moments through the lens.

The depth of field can effectively highlight the subject, with the choice of angle to make the picture more layered and focused, can also use the distance between the lens and the subject to increase the depth of field effect, and use the virtual foreground and background to enhance the story and the richness of photos.

Introductory photography pays attention to the photographer's ideas and discovery eyes in the choice of angles, and finds the shooting methods that you like and are good at by constantly changing distance, moving feet and other ways. The angle has rules to follow. Through more learning and practice, you can gradually form your own style.

How many times will it take to understand 2024-05-19 00:28:02
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