
Can plush toys be washed with roller

The sunset is beautiful
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Usually, plush toys can be washed with a drum washing machine, but the following points should be noted:

1. Confirm whether the toys can be washed: some plush toys may have labels or instructions indicating whether they can be washed. If there is no label or instructions, you can wipe the surface of the toy with a damp cloth to see if it will fade or lose hair. If there is no problem, you can try to use a drum washer.

2. Select a suitable washing procedure: select the "gentle" or "hand washing" mode in the washing procedure to avoid using high-speed rotating washing procedures to avoid damaging toys.

3. Use mild detergents: choose mild detergents, preferably those specially used for washing baby clothes, to avoid the impact of residual chemicals on children's health.

4. Prevention of deformation: during washing, try to avoid the toys being squeezed, rubbed or pulled to avoid deformation or damage.

5. Drying toys: after washing, take the toys out of the washing machine, gently squeeze out the excess water, and then wrap the toys with towels to squeeze and absorb the water. Finally, dry the toys to avoid direct exposure to the sun.

In short, if operated correctly, the drum washing machine can become a good helper for cleaning plush toys. However, if you are not confident in your washing ability, or the toys are expensive or have special materials, you'd better choose hand washing or professional washing.

The sunset is beautiful 2024-04-15 20:15:08
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