
How to make delicious fried buns with soybeans and carrots?

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Operation method

Prepare some carrots and a ham sausage; Prepare another leftover steamed bun. This is the leftover roll eaten last night. Cut the roll into pieces and put it on a plate for use.

Wash carrots, peel them and cut them into pieces; Prepare proper amount of edamame beans, and control dry water after washing; After removing the coat, cut the ham sausage into pieces and put them on a plate for standby.

Put a little oil in the frying pan, put the diced rolls into the pan, stir fry them until they are slightly yellow, and then put them out for use.

Prepare a proper amount of ginger and garlic, wash them and cut them into pieces. Put a little oil in the pot, stir fry ginger and garlic in the pot until fragrant, and stir fry green beans in the pot.

Pour the carrot slices into the pot, stir fry with the green beans until the carrot slices become soft and the soybean surface is slightly wrinkled.

Pour the sliced ham sausage into the pot and stir well.

According to your own taste, add some salt, chicken essence, five spice powder, soy sauce, and stir well.

Pour the steamed buns fried in advance into the pot and stir fry them with vegetables.

You can eat it when you put it on a plate. It's really delicious. I can never get tired of this practice. If you like it, you can try it.

Complete 2024-04-21 07:26:47
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