
Lend the car to a friend, and bear legal responsibility

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In daily life, it is common for relatives and friends to borrow a car. If a traffic accident occurs due to borrowing a car, should the owner bear the responsibility? If you have to take responsibility, under what circumstances?

Operation method

(1) Know or should know that the motor vehicle has a defect, which is one of the causes of the traffic accident;

(2) Know or should know that the driver has no driving qualification or has not obtained corresponding driving qualification;

(3) Know or should know that the driver cannot drive a motor vehicle according to law because of drinking, taking psychotropic substances or narcotic drugs under state control, or suffering from diseases that hinder safe driving of motor vehicles;

(4) Other cases where the owner or manager of the motor vehicle should be found to be at fault. "

self-confidence 2024-05-14 17:47:36
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Q: Which province and city does Jianyang belong to

A: Jianyang City belongs to Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Jianyang, a county-level city directly under the Central Government of Sichuan Province, is managed by Chengdu. It is located in the west of Sichuan Basin, the eastern foot of Longquan Mountain, and the middle reaches of Tuojiang River, 48km away from Chengdu downtown and about 220km away from Chongqing downtown. It is adjacent to Longquanyi District and Jintang County in the north, Shuangliu District and Renshou County of Meishan City in the west, and Yanjiang District and Lezhi County of Ziyang City in the southeast. Jianyang is known as the "Heavenly Mansion" and the "Eastern Gate of Shu Capital" since ancient times. Jianyang City covers an area of 2213 square kilometers (including Chengdu East New Area). It is a nominated city for the establishment of a national civilized city, a national comprehensive demonstration city for e-commerce into rural areas, a pilot county for the national project of a strong county with intellectual property rights, the third most populous county (city) in Sichuan Province, a demonstration city for a strong industrial county in Sichuan Province, a pilot city for comprehensive reform of modern service industry in Sichuan Province, a health city in Sichuan Province, and a civilized city in Sichuan Province.

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