
How to set Chinese for the Android version of the best speed car 14 thermal tracking

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Operation method

First, download and install the software in the application store and run it. When it is opened, the "play career" career interface will be displayed by default

Turn the option to "option" in the lower left corner and click

Enter the page shown in the figure and find the "language" option

Click the arrow on the right to find the "Simplified Chinese" option. Finally, be sure to click the "√" at the bottom right corner to save the settings.

Back to the menu, you can now see that all the columns are in Chinese mode. Slide to career mode and click "Start Career" to start playing happily!

Recalling 2024-05-10 21:17:58
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Latest answers Change


Q: How to promote garbage classification in the community

Answer: Two supervision instructors can be arranged next to the garbage cans to supervise residents to consciously classify the garbage and put it in again. The garbage will still be mixed with slogans alone. It is also possible to carry out some competitions for small experts in garbage classification to encourage residents to participate actively and win prizes from the top three, so as to improve residents' awareness of garbage classification. Classified storage, classified delivery and classified transportation, thus transforming into a general term for a series of activities of public resources. The purpose of classification is to improve the resource value and economic value of garbage and strive to make the best use of everything. Garbage belongs to the private property of the public at the stage of classified storage. Garbage, after classified release by the public, becomes a regional quasi public resource in the community or community where the public lives. Garbage, after classified transportation to the garbage concentration point or transfer station, becomes a non exclusive public resource. According to the classification methods of domestic garbage in domestic and foreign cities, the classification is generally based on the composition and production of garbage, combined with the resource utilization and treatment methods of local garbage.

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