
What color is good for the cabinet?

Plum Orchid in Northern China
Favorable reply

When choosing a good color for the kitchen cabinet, you must follow your own home decoration style. For example, green can give you a satisfying and warm feeling. There is also light yellow, which can be very elegant. It mainly depends on your preference for decoration.

Operation method

White cabinet: white is an timeless color, pure and clean. The white cabinet is simple, elegant and sanitary, especially suitable for people who like to enjoy a quiet and clean life. White can match with any other tone and create a different effect. The harmonious combination with black gives a low-key, calm and soft feeling.

Red cabinet: the hot and bright red department is applied to the cabinet to show people's love for life, especially for newlyweds. It is full of festive and slippery feelings, expressing a distinct personality and vitality. In addition, the red and white matching cabinet can add richness to the kitchen and improve appetite through the soft white diluting the flamboyance and monotony of red.

Yellow cabinet: The warm yellow cabinet is pure, elegant and very warm, which adds warmth to the kitchen space and emphasizes the harmony of collocation. In addition, the color system can match with some color systems such as blue and green to achieve different effects.

Log color cabinet: The log color cabinet has the flavor of nature and the color of the log, adding simple and elegant temperament to the kitchen, alleviating people's visual fatigue, especially suitable for the elderly, and highlighting the stable personality. The color system matches with light blue and dark green to show warm effect.

Green cabinet: The natural green is fresh and bright, which reflects the natural scenery all the time. Being in such a kitchen allows people to leave all their troubles behind and have a quiet meal. Light green with light blue makes the kitchen have different vitality.

Blue cabinet: The cabinet of this color is bright, clear and pure, especially the faint blue cabinet, which reminds people of the taste of the sea. It is mysterious, quiet, away from the noise outside, and calm down to enjoy the delicious food quietly. The cabinet of this kind of tonal collocation with yellow, more conspicuous under the setting of light, steady and warm; With orange, it can add vitality.

Popular cabinet color matching

Blue+white: The overall appearance is cool and cool. A set of blue and white glasses is also used to create a cold meal atmosphere on the table, especially in summer.

Yellow+orange: these two colors with high brightness are combined in the cabinet to increase the warmth and warmth. For example, a fruit orange rich in vitamin C on the table in winter afternoon has an appetizing effect.

Orange+red: on the contrary to blue and white, this kind of color matching is warm and suitable for winter, making the kitchen warm and harmonious, and bright colors enhance appetite.

Plum Orchid in Northern China 2024-05-21 17:32:01
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