
How to set the power on password and modify the password for win7 system computer

Drink wine to your heart
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The computer can protect its privacy by setting a power on password. Now, I will teach you how to set the computer boot password of Win7 system.

Operation method

Click the Start button and select the control panel

Select User Account and Family Safety

Select to change the password of Windows (Since my computer has already set a password, if your computer has not set a password, this is the password setting option.)

You must check whether the administrator account is on the right here. If not, you must find the administrator and then perform the following operations.

Select Change Password.

If you are afraid of forgetting your password, you can also enter a password prompt. After modification, select Change Password below.

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Drink wine to your heart 2024-05-18 18:22:29
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Q: Do breath fresheners have side effects

A: Breath fresheners are not really helping you to remove bad breath. On the contrary, too much of them will make the oral environment worse. Improper use will lead to other oral diseases. Thoroughly brush your teeth in the morning and evening. The electric toothbrush is more effective than the ordinary toothbrush. In addition, use dental floss once a day to thoroughly remove the tartar hidden between teeth. Although breath fresheners have many disadvantages, sometimes there is no other way to deal with emergencies.

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