
Stir fried bamboo clams. - It's delicious

The Kiss of Time
Favorable reply

When I lived by the sea, my favorite was these various shellfish, bamboo clams. This kind of shell is smooth, yellowish brown, shiny, brittle and thin; The surface is prominent, the back edge is parallel to the ventral edge, the rear end is perfectly round, rectangular, and the growth line is obvious, about 11cm long, like two broken bamboo pieces, so it is called Solen Solen. Bamboo clam has high nutritional and economic value, delicious taste and rich nutrition. It contains protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, vitamins and other nutrients. It is a seafood treasure with delicious taste and rich nutrition.

Operation method

Clean bamboo clams

Onion slices, ginger slices, onion half cut long half cut short

Heat the wok with oil, drop the long section of onion, fry the onion oil, and then discard the onion

Stir fry ginger slices and onions with onion oil, add a little sugar

Pour in bamboo clams, stir fry with high heat, add proper amount of boiled water, cooking wine and soy sauce, and simmer for two minutes

Add salt, shallot section, water starch slurry quickly turn a few times out of the pot. Sweet and delicious.

hot tip

Please do not try seafood allergy.

The Kiss of Time 2024-05-15 07:16:00
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