
Methods of cervical polyp examination

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The incidence of cervical polyps is relatively high among married women, and women have no symptoms at the initial stage of suffering from cervical polyps, which is difficult to find. Most patients are found unintentionally in gynecological examinations. Cervical polyps have many hazards to women's health, and serious ones can lead to the occurrence of infertility. In order to find cervical polyps early, The methods of cervical polyp examination were introduced in detail. Cervical polyps can be examined in the following ways: 1. Cervical scraping shows Babbitt II grade. Cervical Pap smear is the past method to check cervical polyps. The first level is completely normal, and the second level is abnormal, which may be inflammation or early cervical precancerous lesions. 2. Gynecological examination: acute inflammation shows cervical congestion, edema or erosion, with purulent secretions. When the cervical tube discharges and touches the cervix, there can be pain. Chronic cervicitis shows that the cervix has erosion, hypertrophy, polyps, glandular cysts, ectropion and other manifestations to varying degrees, or there is purulent secretions at the mouth of the cervix. The cervix is hard to palpate. If it is a cervical polyp, there can be contact bleeding. 3. Cervical biopsy can be performed for patients with severe cervical polyps to make a clear diagnosis. When the cervix is exposed with a vaginal speculum in routine gynecological examination, the polyps can be seen in different sizes and shapes.

A happy life 2024-05-10 10:54:28
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