
How to cut the length and size of video in fast clip

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You can edit a small video by yourself without using the clipping function. Clipping the length and size of a video is the most commonly used video editing function. In fast clips, the length and size of a video are not in the same place. New friends may not know how to do it at once. Let me show you.

How to cut the video size

Click the edit button on the timeline to enter video editing.

Click the [Clipping] button to enter the video clipping operation.

The information on the right shows the size of the current video. The cutting ratio can be selected as required, and you can select the customized cutting method.

After setting, press and hold the left mouse button directly on the middle player, and drag to pull out the size of the crop size.

You can drag the four corners of the box to modify the size, and click the trash can button to delete it directly.

How to cut video length

Click the toolbar icon to enter Basic Settings

There are two sliding blocks at the beginning and end of the video display box, which are used to set the start and end points of the video.

Set the completion start and end. You can see the interception duration in the right link. Click Finish.

Who will accompany me to watch the stars 2024-05-21 03:28:34
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