
How to make dog meat hotpot

Dare to bear
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Dog meat hotpot is very delicious. If you want to learn it, please learn from the following experience and make it yourself

Operation method

Chop small pieces of dog meat and wash them

Chop small pieces of southern ginger and white radish

Heat up the peanut oil in a wok and stir fry the dog meat and ginger

Stir the blood of dog meat

Put the dog meat and radish together into the pressure cooker, add boiling water to press them, and turn to low heat for about 20 minutes after venting

Keep the oil of the fried dog meat just now. Don't put it into the pressure cooker to press it together with the dog meat. The soup will not be greasy

Mixed with sauce: garlic, pepper, peanut butter, beancurd, seafood sauce, chopped coriander

Add a little cold boiled water, soy sauce, sesame oil and mix well

After natural cooling of the pressure cooker, transfer the dog meat into the induction cooker

Dare to bear 2024-05-15 11:20:01
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